How It Works

For the fentanyl screen to initiate the user must place their drug sample inside the device and close the cases shut.

Once the cases are closed a water pouch is ruptured by square presses in the opposite case (labeled in the image).

The water from the ruptured water pouch then travels to the test area where it meets the powdered sample.

The water and drug mixture then absorbs into the purple sponge where a fentanyl, Covid or allergen test strip is located at the end of.

Since only the tip of the strip needs to be wetted, the strip can absorb the necessary amount of fluid directly from the sponge at its tip.

Also labeled is the inner case wall which prevents any fluids from prematurely touching the test strip.

More features

Thinner designs to reduce plastic waste

Easily retractable spoon

Directions on the case

Snap fit connections

Inner rubber lining to prevent water leakage

Pill grinder