About Us

Our mission

So far, we have one mantra that we absolutely believe in: there is a huge population of people that want to get high but don’t want to die. Illicit drug use is prevalent throughout all ages, occupations, and conditions. Our goal is to find the right segment of people that can be served by a better packaged and more intuitive system of testing for a deadly chemical.

Cooper Union engineering students David Madrigal and Nicole Shamayev created Prefent as a part of their school’s “Invention factory” competition. The duo came in second place for their original invention that had to be developed from scratch and judged by a panel of esteemed judges in a rigorous 6 week program.

Prefent also won a grant from Maroon and Gold labs-a non-profit corporation established to incubate and support the entrepreneurial ideas created by Cooper Union students, staff, faculty and alumni.